Yobi ssi fight the rumours…

Love digging her old pic…the then Park Hwayobi

With her upcoming new song which is about a break up, there have been rumours or fans concerned about her own break- up. Moreover, recently, Yobi closed the couples photo album in her cyworld. That stirred more rumours of her split. However, in an interview with Sports Donga, Hwayobi has cleared the suspicion and mentioned that her relationship is doing well. She commented that, ” For both women and men, everyday is different and everyday there’s a change of heart. But there has been no problems with their relationship”.

In response to her closing some of the albums, it seemed she mentioned that her mini hompy is her personal space where she communicates with her fans. After putting up some photos which she wants to share with fans, there have been plastic surgery suspicions that arose.

I guessed with the spreading of such rumours, Yobi is keeping her mini hompy sacred as a mean to communicate with her fans rather than to allow such negativity to spread from it.

Yobi ssi…let’s listen to your favourite writer, Haruki Murakami…

“Taking crazy things seriously is a serious waste of time.”
— Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore –

Now it’s your time to bring it on Yobi ssi…when 27 May comes !

Source: Sports Donga

Kiss Kiss Kiss MV Behind the scenes…

Below are some photos from behind the scenes footage of Yobi’s previous single “Kiss Kiss Kiss” MV.

From her recent post in her fancafe and cyworld she seemed to be in a sullen mood. If you would like to cheer her up with your kind words, you may post it here (I’ll post it up at her fancafe) or you may want to post her a gift or letter to:

Mr. Kim, Yeong-Min (fanclub)
Seo-geon building, 4th floor, Gloworks Co.
107-6, Ban-Po Dong, Seo-Cho Gu,
Seoul, 137-040, Korea
서울특별시 서초구 반포동 107-6번지
서건빌딩 4층 글로웍스 음악사업팀
팬클럽 담당 김영민 앞
(*you may want to copy and paste this address in hangul for postage)

Thanks to Holybelr @lovinghwayobi fancafe for the address. Since we are not affiliated with her fanclub, we can’t ensure the safe delivery of your postage or check on it. But there’s no harm trying…:).

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credit: cyworld

New! Galleria Updated

We’ve uploaded some newly found past photos from her past albums, sponsors photos, radio/ tv shows appearance & some behind the scene photos at the NEW! Galleria. Check it out here ! The main link for this galleria has been updated at the homepage*In this gallery, to view the original (large) size photo from the album slide show, click on the viewed photo.

Dear God…

On Yobi’s birthday, her beau, Sleepy posted the above couple selca pics in his minihompy and wrote a sweet birthday message to Yobi. It was a quite a long sweet post, he expressed his appreciation to Yobi for being present in his life, for being lucky to meet a wonderful lady like her and thank her for bringing joy to his life. A lovely sweet message indeed.

Yobi also wrote a brief post to Dear God…in thanking him for her birth and endowing her with so much love from those who are present in her life. We thank him for meeting us with a gem like you too, Yobi ssi.

Below are couple of  pics from her recent humanitarian trip to Vietnam.

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credit:  Cyword