"Chocolate" drink…

Randomly found today’s article where Kim Jung Eun shared about her new movie and her music show “Chocolate. She shared that after doing the show she has been in good ties with some singers and actresses. She often received invitations for a drink by her juniors, including Bada and Hwayobi. Article here. (21 Jan: Article translation edited by Crazsri)

I remembered  that Yobi had a teary outburst during her show and Yobi conveyed her interest to be an actress. Yobi did surprised the audiences when she mentioned about her interest to work with a movie director who is popular for his ero movies. Omo…a sexy yet sensitive Yobi ssi.

Eng Sub 18 Feb 2009: Hwayobi on Kim Jung Eun’s Chocolate
credits: Translation: Leandrosxxi/ Sub: Crazsri