Yobi's message to fans

Above pic from her past radio appearance. More photos below.

Yesterday, dear Yobi has posted a message to her fans at the fancafe. Firstly, she did mentioned that she does check and read every single posts posted by fans at the fancafe. It is sweet to know that she takes the time to read fans posts. Wldn’t it be lovely to know if she does visit this haven ^^ and who knows one day she will post to us too…hopefully.

Yobi also shared that she will move to another agency, hence on a not so good note, there will be no Christmas concert this year. It was not an easy decision for her to make this change but she hopes that it will be a good move. Lastly, she hopes for a better year…for 2011. Sorry, I didn’t get to post the full translation due to lost in translation ^^.

Dear Yobi ssi,
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”

Henry David Thoreau

Hwayobi feeling lovely…a bohemian beauty.

Hwayobi just updated her cyworld with a new pic from her album pictorial. Really loving her album pictorial. It captures her unconventional/unique beauty as it portrays a whimsical bohemian beauty ^^. Our Yobi is indeed a bohemian beauty.

Here’s a video from her first Live performance (Watch here). But it is captured rather poorly and do ignore the “expression” at the end. As always, an awesome live performance. After hearing her singing the song, “A Woman Like Me”  live, it would be awesome if she performs a bonus comeback performance of “uNi” too.

credit: Yobi’s cyworld

Hwayobi…”I’m doin me…”

credit: Yobi’s cyworld

Annyeong all…

It has been rather quiet here with not much updates to post since Yobi has stopped her 7th album promotion. But recently, she had a fan signing event at Busan, Seoul. This week she also performs at concert for Wonju Citizens Day.

Our lady, Yobi’s cyworld looks rather lovely yet mellow. Her cyworld song, “I’m Doin Me” by Fantasia seems to accompany her cyworld image..a time to be alone.

“Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand.”
– Anonymous –

How are you, Yobi ssi ?

Since her last stage there has been no news. I guessed it’s her rejuvenating time or back to the studio time in preparation for her next mini album.

Couple of weeks ago, Yobi updated her cyworld. The background looks rather cheery accompanied by her current cyworld song, ” R&B Junkie” by Janet Jackson. But her profile status, hmmm…if you fill up the missing letters, you should know what it means. Hope things are well or getting better for you, Yobi ssi ? We hope to “hear” from her soon…

A teaser pic for…?

Yobi just uploaded a new main photo at her cyworld and posted this word below 멍충이박레아- Fool/idiot Park Lea Ah. I hope things have been well or will be well for you Yobi ssi. Aja Aja !!!

Could this be a teaser to her upcoming MV or album photos ? She is looking sooo sensual. Few more days to go ! Yatta !