7th Album Review by Saranghaekpop

A dear kind soul ArieJ @Saranghaekpop has kindly did a full album review of Hwayobi’s album. A glimpse of her review…read on at SaranghaeKpop .

Booty Call
It’s about the guy who only calls her when he needed her.I like when this is performed live, it’s such a fun to sing and a total ‘woman’s anthem’ LOL Seriously, this is for all the girl’s to know that they aren’t booty call’s.

Cream No Sugar
The beginning of this like a standard ballad, but then the drums, bass and piano bring in the heart of the song.The bridge mixes in a little guitar to give it a tango beat, reminiscent of ‘Please Call Me‘. It reminds me of a song that would be on an OST for maybe a drama like Coffee House. The song is about how love was a lie.

– Arie J –

Hwayobi's comeback a hit or miss ?

28 May 2010: “Bye Bye Bye” on Music Bank

Her performance…
I was reserving my thoughts on her yesterday’s performance because I feel that it lacks Hwayobi’s lustre and charm. Today, I am still not charm by it, something amiss. Although, I greatly missed her singing/ performances but I was not drawn to be immersed in watching or re-watching her comeback performances.  I salute her for her effort to do subtle dance moves for this song. But it somehow appears like half- hearted movements. If  this is the route and genre of music that she is moving towards, she needs to be “more fierce” in her performance. She is always known for portraying much emotions in her singings/ performances…and we are always mesmerized by it. Please do… Bring it on Yobi ssi !! Since you are back to show your very best after 10 years as an artiste. I have yet to see what is it that you want to show. We trust you Yobi ssi ^^!

Her style…
On her image/ style, I have mixed feelings about it. I love her pictorials for her album concept, from the make- up to the wavy long hair. It makes her look sultrily sexy, perfect for a diva. But her styles for her comeback performances, from her make- up to her hair…& her outfit, doesn’t justify her gorgeousness. Although,  I am lovin’ the super mini-ness of the dress. A must this season ^^.  She is a diva, we want to see the diva in her.

Sorry if…
My apology if my blabbering here may offend any fans. But to those who have been visiting this site, you would have known by now that I adore and respect this lady, Hwayobi for her talents and the unique being that she is. Somehow as her fan, it saddens me when she is not showcasing her very best or she doesn’t look her very best. As we want others to respect her for her gifted talents and presence. As we know that she is the best & can be the very best. Loving an artiste doesn’t mean we blindly nod to whatever they are doing rite ^^ ?

A hit or a miss…?
On a good note,  I am happy to see new surge of fans who have been  showing much love to Yobi for her comeback. She has nailed it with new fans with her “Bye Bye Bye”…..& “Booty Call” & “Baby Gone..Baby Gone” seems to be hot favourites in this album too. “Bye Bye Bye” has been climbing up the online music chart surpassing some big names that are making their comeback on the same day. It has been steadily climbing up to top 5/10. Awesome !!! So it is indeed a HIT !

Lynn and Gummy, Yobi’s other good friends were at Music Bank and there was a short part of them together at the dressing room.

Video updated

Btw, more news to come…keep on checking here! I will be updating her song ranking at the SHOUTOUT BOX often too. Bye bye bye for now.

Thanks to Heebaraki@Twitter for the little twit on the good friends appearance.

"Bye Bye Bye"…the True Hwayobi.

Amidst inflood of comeback of idol groups and new artistes debuting, Hwayobi’s new single is doing well for her first day online sales (see below). There seems to be a new stream of fans who are hooked with Yobi’s R&B catchy tunes. Although, I was anticipating her return with mid- temp songs, but I realized that I was not ready for her full album to be fully filled with  such songs. After listening to the full album, these words kept ringing in my head, “Why Why Why” *just like the chorus in “Bye Bye Bye”. There”s a tinge of disappointment realizing that she has really transformed her music leaving behind her soulful R&B ballad presence for this album. I guessed I missed listening to her belting out her lushest voice.

For an artiste of her calibre, her vocal prowess is beyond what this album has to offer. My take on this album, she can do better. Way better. Her God- given talents and capabilities are way beyond what Kpop ent. has to offer now. I was anticipating for a SPECIAL album when it was mentioned that this album will showcase the  “TRUE HWAYOBI”. To me or  maybe other fans, we remember “TRUE HWAYOBI” as an artiste who awe us with her vocal, with her lushest smoothest and richest vocal that penetrates our soul. That’s the “TRUE HWAYOBI” that I missed. I guessed, I’ve yet to know the “TRUE HWAYOBI. There’s still lots to learn about our dear lady. However, as her fan I am proud that she is dedicated and passionate in producing this album with her own creations. I am still in awe of her vocal flexibility that varies from one song to another without losing the essence of her rich vocal. I still believe that she has lots more to offer. What’s next Yobi ssi ?  We’ll still be waiting. I hope our patience will prevail. Fighting !

Congrats Yobi ssi…”Bye Bye Bye” is scaling high

Bugs Online Music Sales #5

Daum Music #6

Soribada.com #4