credit: Translated by Han Ahreum & Subbed by Crazsri
For those who are still struggling in understanding the MV ^^. A dear fan, Malene has her thoughts on it “Real life is not full of constant beauty all the time. And love is not simple. While the melody (and vocals) of this song is beautiful, the lyrics are not. (Well, it’s beautiful in the sense that it’s well-written, but the content of the song is not beautiful. It’s sad.) So I think maybe that’s what the director wanted to convey, that humans are sometimes far from Hollywood beauty, and love is far from simple, and it gives us many feelings. (Hence the different, sometimes weird expressions on their faces.) I think the MV goes well with the song, and it was also able to capture the pain and confused feelings…“
I am also proud of Yobi that she didn’t utilized any idols popularity or mannequin beauties for this MV. She moves aways from the norm and anything that is non- mainstream is very much to my liking. Well done Yobi ssi!. Malene’s expression on this MV has shed some light in appreciating its beauty that not everyone sees it. Unless you allow yourself too ^^.
“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”