We’ve re- uploaded her past videos from her Vol. 6 “Men Don’t Know” promo in 2008. More videos can be viewed at Hwayobihavennet2 Channel. Personally, I feel that this is her most glamorous comeback, a lovely demure image that really suits the diva she is. I really love this mage as it portrays a classy charm of a diva.

My next fave image is the sexy alluring style that she donned for her “Half” promo in 2009, for her 1st mini album. That image also brings out her alluring womanly charm. For her past recent comebacks for “Kiss Kiss Kiss” & “Bye Bye Bye”, I’ve never expected her to be donning a cutesy or R&B hip hop style. But I guessed with the Kpop world being populated by idols, she has to somehow follow the upbeat styles too. With her next comeback, hopefully, just around the corner…Which of her comeback styles is your fave ? Cast your vote below.
[polldaddy poll=3203380]