Hwayobi has received our special book!

Updated: You may view the full book (click here). Click on the bottom right button for fullscreen view.

Yatta! We have received news from a kind soul Coditv@lovingwayobi daum fancafe that Yobi has received our gift. He has tweeted me the message below. Thanks to Han Ahreum for the translation &  thank you to Coditv for this help. Very much appreciated.

” 요비가 엄청 좋아해서 소속사 직원들한테 게속 자랑하고 다녔대요ㅋㅋ 인증샷을 찍어야 되는데 언제 올려야 될지 고민중이래요~요즘 곡쓰고 있어서 정신없다고 하네요 ㅋㅋ”

“Yobi loves it so much that she boasted around to the staff haha she mentioned that she is thinking about taking a picture of it and upload it. She is too busy writing songs.”

We are just so delighted to hear that the book is in her care…Yobi ssi, we really do hope you take a pic with the  book. That would definitely warm our hearts ^^. I guessed Yobi is now focusing on her song writings that she may not want to be distracted at this period. We shall wait for her comeback in eager excitement ^^! Yobi ssi fighting!

My own music & to my foreign friends…

Source: Fnn.co.kr/ Credit: Crazsri

The above linked article is rather long. Sorry, I am not able to share the details. She talks about her desire and passion to create her own music…her own genre.  She is satisfied and proud that for this album she is able to showcase to fans her own creations. This album is special to her, especially in celebrating her 10th year as an artiste. Our dear fearless Yobi also shares that she will continue to embrace  changes in her music, and we will get to  see more changes from her.  She also talks about her participation in “We Got Married” show, which I have not clear clue what was written.

On a special note, Yobi did mentioned in the interview,

“I maybe exhausted for several days but I’m proud.
In future, I want to be a singer that fans are not ashamed of.
A singer that foreign friends would not be ashamed of when listening to my songs.
Up till now, with my confidence, I want to continue to show more and more changes in my appearance.”

Yobi ssi…life without changes is life without colours. The colours in YOU that have enchanted us. Whatever that changes will be…we hope that these changes will make you proud of yourself…not just for us. But for yourself.

With Yobi, I’ve always look forward for “her changes” but also anticipates it with concern. As it hurts us when  we read or hear others criticize or belittle you. But we believe for every of your actions there’s a reason to it. With that believe…we really hope to see more great changes.. POSITIVE change :). We are proud of you and proud to say that you are our DIVA. 우리는 당신을 사랑…We love you.

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Yobi's message to fans…

Beneath the sultry sexiness that Yobi has been portraying in her recent photos for starhwabo (here), we know there’s this cute charm that is always present. The above photo is from the the starhwabo pictorial media conference that was held on 3 May 2010. There were tonnes of pics from the conference where Yobi was portraying her sexy, alluring and cute charm. Some pics below, more photos will be uploaded soon.

Message from Yobi at fancafe:
On the day when the starwhabo photos were published, Yobi wrote in the fancafe. Firstly, apologized for the album delay. It has been delayed to 25 May. As she wants to produce and present to fans her very best for this coming album.

On a sweet note, when the photos were released, she was more worried of how fans feel rather than her own feelings. As she expressed that she feels sorry if fans were hurt by reading the negative comments.

I believe for some fans it was rather shocking to see Yobi in such skimpiness. There have been some extreme views of  those who dislikes it and those who likes it. Personally, i was not surprise that Yobi would be daring to portray such sexiness. I have mixed feelings about it because I was more worried of critics and negative comments on it. She indeed looked awesomely SEXY and as a grown woman I feel that she has the right to be confident and portray her alluring beauty. But on the other hand, I would prefer if she is more focused in channeling that alluring sexiness in her talents…her voice itself portrays that sexiness.  As a fan, I would rather if she gets the limelight for her comeback and talents. I hope she will be well received with lots of love for her comeback.

As always, she never fails to surprise us. That part of her somehow intrigues us fans. Not knowing what’s next will come from her. Anticipating her next actions with excitement yet with much concerned too. Yobi ssi…we are waiting for your surprise comeback too !!! Hoping for a really good surprise this time. What’s your view on the photoshoot ?….Cast your vote at the main menu.

Press conference videos here. More photos and videos will be uploaded soon.
Couple more new photos were released today.Check it out  here at your own risk  ;).

A glimpse of Yobi ssi…

credit: Yobi’s cyworld

With few more weeks to go for her 7th album comeback, Yobi has posted a new photo on her cyworld main page. Could this be her album promos image ? She is indeed making us to anticipate her new image and album comeback.  Yobi ssi Ajaa !!

“Missin you” by Hwayobi (released 2006/ 5th Album)
credit: WonderfulYobi

We’ve just realized that our Dear Yobi guestbook have been linked at LovingHwayobi fancafe (you can scroll at the bottom of the fancafe page under favourite links). So if you have been missing her…post it at Dear Yobi guestbook…:) Missing you….Hwayobi !

Kiss Kiss Kiss MV Behind the scenes…

Below are some photos from behind the scenes footage of Yobi’s previous single “Kiss Kiss Kiss” MV.

From her recent post in her fancafe and cyworld she seemed to be in a sullen mood. If you would like to cheer her up with your kind words, you may post it here (I’ll post it up at her fancafe) or you may want to post her a gift or letter to:

Mr. Kim, Yeong-Min (fanclub)
Seo-geon building, 4th floor, Gloworks Co.
107-6, Ban-Po Dong, Seo-Cho Gu,
Seoul, 137-040, Korea
서울특별시 서초구 반포동 107-6번지
서건빌딩 4층 글로웍스 음악사업팀
팬클럽 담당 김영민 앞
(*you may want to copy and paste this address in hangul for postage)

Thanks to Holybelr @lovinghwayobi fancafe for the address. Since we are not affiliated with her fanclub, we can’t ensure the safe delivery of your postage or check on it. But there’s no harm trying…:).

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credit: cyworld