Yobi's new single with Taeha, "Stay with me"

같이 있어줘/ Stay With Me
credit: Juhonna3

This duet is beautifully written by Hwayobi.  The new singer, Taeha have an impressive velvety vocal, a beautiful duet indeed. Yobi’s plays a subtle vocal role in this duet but as always, still enchanting. I hope we will get to see their live performances. Song can be purchased at Soribada.com.

The hangul lyrics below, hopefully we will get to better understand her lyrics soon.

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[MV] Hwayobi – A Woman Like Me (Eng Sub/Romanji/Hangul)

credit: Translation by Han Ahreum/ Subbing by Crazsri

We’ve uploaded a new sub/ romanji/ hangul version of the MV. As there were minor errors in the earlier subbing. Thanks Han Ahreum & Crazsri for your hard work ^^. Kamsahnida.

News post of Yobis’ MV at Soompi.com…read here.

(English lyrics) Hwayobi's "A Woman Like Me"


The song that she has penned and composed is about a woman’s inner thoughts and feelings about coping with pain of love that she has experienced. She was in love with a man whom she knows will leave her yet she still yearn for him. Then, she knows she might fall for someone new but she might have fear about not being loved as soon as love starts and she will be fearful of separation. Thanks to awesome Han Ahreum for her “heart”work in translating this song. Kamsahnida!!! Lyrics below…

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