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Source: Movieweek/ mydaily/ newsprime

Yobi was interviewed by movieweek online news. She talks about her debut, 10th year anniversary and her sense of duty and respect for music.

She has been appearing on radio shows (pictures below) and will be guesting at KCM’s upcoming concert. “Bye Bye Bye’ is still one of the Top 10 on Monkey online music chart. 축하해요/ Congrats Yobi ssi !

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More "Booty Call" Live…

080610 – Mnet Radio Live/ TV Show: Hwayobi sings “Booty call”
Really love her looks/style here. Looking so YOUTHFUL and alluring !
credit: Candybag @ Lovinghwayobi daumfancafe/ Crazsri

Song synopsis/ Credit: Crazsri
It’s about the guy who only calls her when he needed her. As the chorus goes We don’t have to be sssso sorry no more, I hate your 12 oclock phone calls, you don’t have to take me through the fire, looking at your back view I’m not crying any more. The girl is sick and tired of being his booty call as she is only his Friday lover and she cannot accept it.

“I’m your friday no more…I can’t get over you”
“We don’t have to be sorry no more…”
“You don’t have to take me through the fire…”

Yobi has been guesting on radio shows, performing at Live events and some TV/ Music shows. Below are couple of pics from, “M-wave Qook TV Plus”,  a global music show that will be aired on Arirang Channel, 12 June 2010. For those who might have cable TV, can watch her on TV screen :).

Very  much thanks to Candybag @Lovinghwayobi daumfancafe for the effort in uploading these videos for Hwayobi’s fans. Many thanks Candybag !

Couple more videos to be uploaded at HwayobiEnchantedMedia.

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080610: "Booty Call" live on radio show

080610 Powertime –  Hwayobi sings “Booty Call”

Enjoy! I bet many have been waiting for her to sing “Booty Call” live.
A purrrfecct live singing as always. Love it.

080610-Hwayobi sings “Bye Bye Bye”

credit: cyworld