090910 Music Core: Comeback duet “Ghost”
credit: bwmow5
Awesome vocal prowess of both Yobi and Go Yoo Jin ! It was quite a short song or was it because I just can’t get enough of it. Yobi looks so young and really lovely like a doll with her dark wavy hair. Loving her style and, of course, her voice . Kudos sweet Yobi ssi ! Looking forward for more…
A bit of info on Go Yoo Jin. He has been in the music industry since in the 90s and is known for his vocal prowess as a tenor. He was classically trained in music at Christ Theology University in Seoul and was a tenor before he pursued as a rock ballad singer. A glimpse of his “tenor capability” in this short clip here of him singing and imitating voices of various vocals ranges.