Music Core: "Ghost"

090910 Music Core: Comeback duet “Ghost”
credit: bwmow5

Awesome  vocal prowess of both Yobi and Go Yoo Jin ! It was quite a short song or was it because I just can’t get enough of it. Yobi looks so young and  really lovely like a doll with her dark wavy hair.  Loving her style and, of course, her voice . Kudos sweet Yobi ssi ! Looking forward for more…

A bit of info on Go Yoo Jin. He has been in the music industry since in the 90s and is known for his vocal prowess as a tenor. He was classically trained in music at Christ Theology University in Seoul and was a tenor before he pursued as a rock ballad singer. A glimpse of his “tenor capability” in this short clip here of him singing and imitating voices of various vocals ranges.

Yobi will be performing "Ghost"


Yatta….Yobi will be performing “Ghost” with Go Yoo Jin,  LIVE ! on Music Core tomorrow, 9 Jan 2010. Really looking forward to this. Hoping that they will be promoting it on other music chart shows too.  Looking forward to see her style and image for this promo too. Great news !  Credit: 노래의정석 화요비♡ @lovinghwayobi daum fancafe

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