Park Lae-ah's humble trip to Vietnam

In 2008, Yobi has changed her name to Park Lae-ah which  is derived from the name of a saint who dedicated herself to a lifetime of volunteer work.

Chào bạn !...Hello Friend !

Yobi was inspired to be a volunteer with a relief organization  after reading some books by celebrated Korean travel writer and relief worker, Han Bi Ya  (read here). Since then Yobi has been expressing her wish to go for an overseas humanitarian expedition. Finally comes 2010, she has indeed welcomes 2010 graciously in accomplishing a virgin humanitarian trip with World Vision. Today, in her cyworld, she just posted a long post and some photos on her virgin humanitarian trip to Vietnam. In her diary and picture postings, she sounds astounded by the humble experience. As she had travelled to the poorest region in Vietnam which is located very deep in the mountains.

She had posted a long entry about the humbling trip that seems to have a deep impact on her to be a better person and to lead a humble life.  The trip seems to inspire her to have a stronger faith and to be strong even when one tripped in overcoming life hurdles.

Yobi ssi, we are proud of the “HEART” work that you’ve dedicated yourself to…every good deeds may come with good returns. We love you for the beautiful humane person you have been. We are looking forward to a more beautiful you….Ajaaaa !

“Whenever there is a human being,
there is an opportunity for a kindness.”

Below are some pictures of her humbling experience and there are couple more  pictures of her friends who she travelled with at her cyworld.

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credit: Yobi’s cyworld

Hwayobi for Ellen Degeneres show ?

Send Ellen Your International Music Suggestions! Especially for those staying in United States (US),  Ellen Degeneres is discovering some amazing international music. Now she’s looking for more — and wants your help! Would be great if you do your part to post an entry at the link below to recommend Yobi to be on the show, why you think Ellen would love her.

For US residents, you can fill in this form here. You may get to appear on the show too !
For non- US residents, you can probably help to just do a post or shoutout here.

Loads of fans of Korean idol groups are flooding the comments box with their idol group recommendations. At the rate of them flooding the box,  it looks like we will have a Korean idol group or artiste on the show. I’ve done my post deed there for Yobi, would be great if you guys can do so too.  The more the merrier…& in the midst of our jolly peaceful life, don’t forget to do our part to help our brothers and sisters in Haiti and in support of Yobi’s World Vision Humanitarian services.  Hope For Haiti is just a click away.

Click on the banner for a humble deed.

"L" Let's go !!!

credit: Yobi’s cyworld

Dear Yobi just updated her cyworld background and she is definitely welcoming 2010 with so much excitement and of course, L.O.V.E. We are definitely looking forward to her “Let’s go”!!!. Whatever that means but it does sound positive right ? “Let’s go…Yobi ssi”. Ajaaaa !

"Chocolate" drink…

Randomly found today’s article where Kim Jung Eun shared about her new movie and her music show “Chocolate. She shared that after doing the show she has been in good ties with some singers and actresses. She often received invitations for a drink by her juniors, including Bada and Hwayobi. Article here. (21 Jan: Article translation edited by Crazsri)

I remembered  that Yobi had a teary outburst during her show and Yobi conveyed her interest to be an actress. Yobi did surprised the audiences when she mentioned about her interest to work with a movie director who is popular for his ero movies. Omo…a sexy yet sensitive Yobi ssi.

Eng Sub 18 Feb 2009: Hwayobi on Kim Jung Eun’s Chocolate
credits: Translation: Leandrosxxi/ Sub: Crazsri

"Nineteen plus one" and going…

HwayobiMore photos updated at the GALLERIA

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credit: Gloworks ent.

These photos were probably taken in  2002, during the promotion of her 2nd album, “Nineteen plus one” .  Since  she looked dainty and as beautiful and quite similar like how she looked  in the MV below  for the song “Hardship” which was composed by dear Hwayobi.

The more you dig into her past, the more gems you will find and it seems to reach no end to this treasure hunt. Especially treasured findings on her talents beyond words and the wisdom that prevails in every verse that she wrote in her songs.
