In 2008, Yobi has changed her name to Park Lae-ah which is derived from the name of a saint who dedicated herself to a lifetime of volunteer work.
Yobi was inspired to be a volunteer with a relief organization after reading some books by celebrated Korean travel writer and relief worker, Han Bi Ya (read here). Since then Yobi has been expressing her wish to go for an overseas humanitarian expedition. Finally comes 2010, she has indeed welcomes 2010 graciously in accomplishing a virgin humanitarian trip with World Vision. Today, in her cyworld, she just posted a long post and some photos on her virgin humanitarian trip to Vietnam. In her diary and picture postings, she sounds astounded by the humble experience. As she had travelled to the poorest region in Vietnam which is located very deep in the mountains.
She had posted a long entry about the humbling trip that seems to have a deep impact on her to be a better person and to lead a humble life. The trip seems to inspire her to have a stronger faith and to be strong even when one tripped in overcoming life hurdles.
Yobi ssi, we are proud of the “HEART” work that you’ve dedicated yourself to…every good deeds may come with good returns. We love you for the beautiful humane person you have been. We are looking forward to a more beautiful you….Ajaaaa !
“Whenever there is a human being,
there is an opportunity for a kindness.”
Below are some pictures of her humbling experience and there are couple more pictures of her friends who she travelled with at her cyworld.
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credit: Yobi’s cyworld