Snippets on Hwayobi ssi…

Firstly, welcome to the new white and breathy layout. Since we are waiting patiently for her comeback. I hope this breathy space will be filled with goodies from her comeback.

Some news snippets on Yobi ssi…
She recently performed at KBS Open Concert and sang a duet with K.Will, singing “A whole new world”. The  show will be aired on 23 May 2010 on KBS. You can catch a glimpse of her…or probably more of hearing her singing from these fancams > Duet video/ Singing “Counting kisses with you”

The OST download sales for the drama “Three Brothers”  have been on the rise, probably reaching to 300 000 million won.  With the combination of these talented artistes, Hwayobi,  Alex  and Navi who were featured in this OST. It is definitely an awesome featuring. Source: newsnate./ credit: Han Ahreum

“Anesthesia” by Hwayobi for “Three Brothers” OST

SECRET lead vocal, Song Ji Eun shared a snippet about Hwayobi in a recent news  interview. Full article can be read here.

After receiving vocal lessons from songstress Hwayobi, she became my role model. She would sing songs with her own style when others tried to follow the methods of the artists. I think there is a lot to learn from her. – Song Ji Eun, SECRET –

We’ve uploaded some photos from the Starwhabo pictorial conference…check it out at the  GALLERIA. Couple of videos from the media conference have been uploaded at Hwayobihavennet Channel.


A couple of weeks more to go…Yobi ssi fighting ! We’ll be waiting.

Yobi's message to fans…

Beneath the sultry sexiness that Yobi has been portraying in her recent photos for starhwabo (here), we know there’s this cute charm that is always present. The above photo is from the the starhwabo pictorial media conference that was held on 3 May 2010. There were tonnes of pics from the conference where Yobi was portraying her sexy, alluring and cute charm. Some pics below, more photos will be uploaded soon.

Message from Yobi at fancafe:
On the day when the starwhabo photos were published, Yobi wrote in the fancafe. Firstly, apologized for the album delay. It has been delayed to 25 May. As she wants to produce and present to fans her very best for this coming album.

On a sweet note, when the photos were released, she was more worried of how fans feel rather than her own feelings. As she expressed that she feels sorry if fans were hurt by reading the negative comments.

I believe for some fans it was rather shocking to see Yobi in such skimpiness. There have been some extreme views of  those who dislikes it and those who likes it. Personally, i was not surprise that Yobi would be daring to portray such sexiness. I have mixed feelings about it because I was more worried of critics and negative comments on it. She indeed looked awesomely SEXY and as a grown woman I feel that she has the right to be confident and portray her alluring beauty. But on the other hand, I would prefer if she is more focused in channeling that alluring sexiness in her talents…her voice itself portrays that sexiness.  As a fan, I would rather if she gets the limelight for her comeback and talents. I hope she will be well received with lots of love for her comeback.

As always, she never fails to surprise us. That part of her somehow intrigues us fans. Not knowing what’s next will come from her. Anticipating her next actions with excitement yet with much concerned too. Yobi ssi…we are waiting for your surprise comeback too !!! Hoping for a really good surprise this time. What’s your view on the photoshoot ?….Cast your vote at the main menu.

Press conference videos here. More photos and videos will be uploaded soon.
Couple more new photos were released today.Check it out  here at your own risk  ;).

On her first love…faith.

Yobi graced the cover page for  this month publication of a Korean Religion & Culture magazine. She is also featured in a rather long article where she speaks about her first love…”faith”. The article can be read here. She shared an in depth sharing about her love for her faith and her passion for music.  Sorry all, I can only afford to share 10% gist of what she have shared since I had to depend on the minute accuracy of  the google translator.

On “We Got Married”
She enjoyed the experiences and process of “We Got Married” reality TV show as she was allowed to showcase her real self in response to the given scenarios.

The competitive music scene
She expressed the trial and competitive market of the current music scene. Amidst the fierce competition, her fans support has kept her strong to keep on working hard and put in tireless effort in producing quality music.

Even suffering is part of love
She shared about the daunting experience in 2007 when she had to undergo a cyst surgery. Which is like a death penalty to singers if the surgery would have failed. She was rather depressed but her honest dialogues with God keeps her strong. Her faith and love for Him keeps her hope alive as she believes that life trials are personal encounters with God to keep one closer to Him.

Omona…Yobi is looking gorgeously lovely and young…

A conduit of joy and love
She shared about her devotion for humanitarian acts and also shared about the community and humanitarian services that she has been involved in. Since 2008, she has been an ambassador with World Vision. She has been involved in their sponsoring programme where she is sponsoring 2 children from Kenya & Albania. Last January, she went for a humanitarian trip to Vietnam as a part of her ambassadorship with World Vision. Candidly, Yobi mentioned that she is not a tycoon but she is very passionate about this area of service and will continue to render her service as long as she can afford to either monetarily or time wise.  On her last note, she also recommended a book titled, “Kyu’s regulations” by a reputable Korean author who wrote about his missionary service in Mongolia.

It is indeed an insightful reading to know more about Yobi’ spiritual side.  She has expressed some inspiring quotes which I am not able to translate. I guessed we shall hope for a kind soul to translate it if there is. Hoping & wishing. For now, I am loving the pictorials for this article, she is looking gorgeously lovely and YOUNG !!!…It is indeed a youthful fresh image that suits her personality. But of course, as revealed by her agency, she will probably be back with a sexy concept for her upcoming album. As we know she is an artiste of every medium and she always pulls off different images for each comeback. I was lovin’ her sultry alluring womanly image for “Half” too and is looking forward to her upcoming persona.

Article Source:

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From a bubbly cute image to…

Yobi’s management has released the news that her 7th album in celebration of  her 10th year anniversary will be released on May 6. The album consists of mid- tempo songs.

She actually lost about 8 kg and ooohh… it seems that she might be going for a sexy concept for this album.  She is currently in Phillipines till 10 April for a photo shoot.

Mid- tempo songs + sexy concept….Oooh Since we have been waiting for her R&B/ Ballad diva comeback…I bet many fans are worried of these combinations for her upcoming album.  But we know that the essence of her talents are always  present in any song she delivered.  So let’s wait and see what she has to offer. Yobi ssi fighting !!!

Source: Newsnate

Yobi is heading to Phillipines

Wondering what surprise she will have for us…for her comeback image ?
Just an old random it she looks so mysterious. The feel of a bohemian.

Ann nyoung ! I hope you guys have been well.

It has been rather quiet since there hasn’t been any news on Yobi.  Bad news is,  Hwayobifan Ytube channel by Crazsri that were filled with loads of Yobi’s old videos have been suspended. Will try soon when we are free to re- upload some of her treasures.

Btw, some recent updates from her management posted at her fancafe >

On a low note, Yobi’s 7th album will be delayed till May 2010. It seems that she is still working hard on it so as to showcase her very best after 10 years in this industry. Whenever it will be, I bet we’ll still be waiting.

This coming 6 April to 10 April, Yobi will be heading to Phillipines. The details were not to clear, what I gather was she will be there either for a filming or pictorial shoot. I hope Yobi will update some pics up at her cyworld after her trip. For those in Phillipines, if you are lucky you might probably bump into her…and if you do, don’t forget to inform us :).