Participation featuring in Poetree first album

Participation featuring in Poetree first album

Scheduled to be released on January 25

Poetree first album
– I love you, without hope –
All songs, with the title song and feel with a touch of Soul and Folk music and the emotional availability and work in harmony with its popularity with the album was completed.

track 3 Sunday of my life (feat. hwayobi)

source – loving hwayobi cafe

My first gift for Hwayobi fans

Hello!!  Hwayobi fans
I’m Kreyzig (aka GreenTape in YouTube)
(my post may be difficult to understand because my english is so poor.. .)
Now I’m so excited because i write post this site in first-time and i’m in seoul to study Korean languge!!!
It’s my first post. So I’m ready to gift for hwayobi fans
1. yobi singing at wedding ceremony-(Dahaengida- To Be Fortunate) Jan. 8, 2012

2. yobi singing at a worship meeting in Incheon,Korea Nov. 19, 2011

3. yobi’s hamburg steak

Enjoy & See ya