Thank You…Kamsahnida! To those who have participated in the Photo-Quote Project. It is heart warming to know there are many fans who cares to express your love and appreciation to our dear diva, Hwayobi. It is really sweet and it melts my heart to read all the messages written to her. I bet it will melt her heart too.
To those who have yet to submit your messages and photos, please do so before 1 Nov 2010. As I may need to rush to get it print. The LOVEly mini book will be designed by a dear talented fan, Jannah Amin@toastedbutter design. She has been generous in offering her help. You’ll see more of her beautiful graphic works in this haven. Thank you Jannah !!!
About few months back, another dear fan Ariel J@Earcandyexpress has suggested to do a fan project for Yobi. I was reluctant, in fear of the disappointment for the lack of support. Therefore, I am rather touched and thankful to all the fans that have supported this project. Really thankful !!…To those who have participated, you will have the privileged to view the complete “HEART” work very soon. Do wait for my e-mail ^^.
“How beautiful a day can be
When kindness touches it!”
~George Elliston
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