(Eng lyrics): 사랑은/ Love


“Music is what feelings sound like.”

Hwayobi was on Yoo Hee Yeol’s sketchbook when she was overwhelmed with emotions while singing this song, “Love is..”. What is “Love is…” that makes it painful” for her to deliver the song ?

사랑은/ Love is…
Translation credit: Han Ahreum

참 많이 생각해봤어
I’ve been thinking a lot
헤어지잔 얘기를 어떻게 말해야 하는지
How should I tell you to break up
아직 아무것도 모른 채
Knowing nothing about this
환히 웃는 그대를
You’re smiling brightly
어떡해야 좋을지 What do I have to do with you ?

Just by thinking about it
가슴이 아파서
It’s heartbreaking
며칠밤을 울었어
So I cried several nights
오늘 그대를 떠나기까지 Until I left you today

Love is..
잡고 싶어도 보내는 것
To let you go even if I want to hold you
가끔 거짓을 말하는 것
To tell a falsehood sometimes
눈물이 나도 웃어 보이는 것
To give a smile even if tears flow
그대 행복을 위해 한걸음 물러난 뒤에 힘이 들어도 붙잡지 않는 것 not to hold you even if it’s tough for me
after I stepped back for your happiness

사실 많이 노력해봤어
Actually, I tried a lot
세상이 나쁘다고 변명하고 싶었어
I wanted to excuse myself that the world is to blame
(wrong) 사랑만으로는 안된다는 말은 인정할 수 없었어
I couldn’t accept the word that “just love isn’t everything
(just love doesn’t do anything)
(just love is not the solution)
오늘 이별을 말하기까지
Until I said good bye to you today
Love is..
잡고 싶어도 보내는 것 To let you go even if I want to hold you
가끔 거짓을 말하는 것
To tell a falsehood sometimes
눈물이 나도 웃어 보이는 것
To give a smile even if tears flow
그대 행복을 위해 한걸음 물러난 뒤에 힘이 들어도 붙잡지 않는 것 not to hold you even if it’s tough for me
after I stepped back for your happiness

그대에게 너무 가혹했던 세상도
내가 없으면 달라질 거라
그렇게 믿을게
I’ll believe that if I leave you
The world would change(be better) which was too cruel to you
Love is..
떠나야 할 때를 아는 것
To know when to leave
추억이 다치지 않도록 눈물이 나도 웃어 보이는 것
To give a smile even if tears flow so that memories do not get hurt
이렇게 생각해줘
Please think this way
사랑을 이룬다는 건
To fulfill/make love
서로 영원히 그리워하는 거라고…
is to yearn for each other forever…

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