Where art thou Yobi ssi ?

From SBS Radio Show

I guessed most of us have been missing Yobi’s tv appearances/ performances. Glad to at least got to watch her on Music Bank last Friday. She has been a busy bee appearing on radio shows daily. She was on Arirang Kpopzone Radio show last Wednesday. It was aired online but aish I missed it. Yobi also performs on MTV show and concert events. Sadly, we are not able to retrieve any videos of these appearances unless if we get lucky and it appears at her fancafe or online. Let’s cross our fingers for more lucks ^^!

Here’s a video (watch here) of her singing, “Bye Bye Bye” from the radio show above. Looking really cute with the rainbow cape ^^. You may be prompted to install a media player to view it. Sorry we didn’t get to download it for youtube due to the download restriction.

I hope she will perform on some other music shows like KJE’s Chocolate, Open Concert etc. We are missing her, aren’t we ? Last 2 weeks, Hwayobi had injured her right ankle and is sustaining ankle ligament injury. She was advised to be careful for about 6 months…I hope it has gotten better. Take care Yobi ssi !

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