Fan pics + news bites

credit: cyworld

I randomly found some fan pics of Yobi but rather blur. Not too sure exactly for which event, I guessed it was for the live radio event on 9 June (watch here).

News bites…

Yobi will be on KBS Star Golden Bell that will be aired today. In the talk segment, she was asked about her diet as the host commented that  she looks  very slim and beautiful now.  She talks about having high protein meals  but also added that fasting is actually the best diet. The other guests including Yobi  were battling with each other about their diet strategy.  She also talks about people comments on her image such as, “Do not act cute” etc.  As always, her expressions caused an uproar of laughter. Source: tvdaily/ tvdaily

In past news articles, Yobi expressed that she hopes  to hold a special concert in celebrating her 10th year anniversary as an artiste.  If given the chance, she would like to invite special guest star, such as Robin Thicke, a R & B American singer- songwriter. Source: tvdaily

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  1. Pingback: Hwayobi Enchanted Haven » Videos update: Star Golden Bell & Gag Concert

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