29 May 2010: KBS Love Request
credit: Holybelr @lovinghwayobi daum fancafe
Omoo…is that Yobi ssi ? Although, the screencap is not clear but I am so lovin’ her hair and her make up here. She looked so youthful, lovely Yobi. After all she is just 28 years old and she needs to let her youthfulness shines. It has been a long time since she last perform with long flowy hair. Gorgeous hair, flaunt it.
She is an unconventional beauty, a unique beauty that should not be hidding under thick make- up. Thick make- up just do her harm. 예쁘다…yeppuda Yobi ! Stay youthful…Stay lovely. I hope we’ll get to see more youthful Yobi.
28 May 2010: Music Bank
E.via, a female rapper posted selca photos of herself with Yobi and some other celebrities at her cyworld. This photo was taken at last week Music Bank. I have informed in this post here that Yobi was not feeling well during Music Bank performance. But I forgot to add that before and after the performance, she had to go to the hospital as her body was not in good condition due to fatigue. credit: Naver/ Jina@lovinghwayobi fancafe.
Yobi ssi…for every effort that you have put in…we HEART it. Be well…Aja aja !
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