Dear Enchanted visitors,
A year has passed since this haven was conceived on 2 February 2009 and we are already a year older. This haven was lovingly conceived with the support of a band of sistas whom I would like to thank for being the original anchors in supporting the birth of this haven. Thank you ! Madgepop, Crazsri, Hwanyobifan, Leandrosxxi & Rikkimargarette for cheering on the birth of this haven. I guessed it would be a yearly tradition for this band of sistas to be mentioned in celebration of the growth of this haven…And of course, many thanks to all lovely visitors who have been visiting and supporting this haven, especially to Leandrosxxi, Holybelr & Lucecita for the help in translations…& WonderfulYobi, Sqd66 & Soompi sistas for spurring the growth of this haven.
And of course…not forgetting to thank our dear enchanted star, Hwayobi for working endlessly and tirelessly in presenting to us her enchanting talents and music that has never failed to awe us. Her past hard work has enormously filled and enriched this haven. Enchanted haven was also conceived in celebrating Hwayobi’s 27th birthday last year…& soon in few days to come our dear diva will be a year older too. Do post your well- wishes in the guestbook and we will post it up at her fancafe. She will definitely be delighted to read well- wishes from her overseas fans. Encouraging words from fans will definitely make her feel appreciated and may help to spruce her low days.
Below is the welcome post that was posted on 2 Feb 2009 which was beautifully penned by Madgepop sis. Thank you sis wherever you may be.
Enchanted Haven. a fansite lovingly dedicated to Korea’s “Queen of R&B” and “Diva of Ballads” – Hwayobi. Even among the recognized artists of Korea’s vast music industry, few can be said to be without any equal. Hwayobi is known to be one of those few. An artist with immense talent, captivating charm, and rapturous personality, she continues to delight us with her divine voice and surprise us with her uniqueness and unconventionality. Hwayobi perfectly embodies the Bohemian spirit of embracing life to the fullest, defying the norms, conquering one’s own individuality and transcending all possibilities in order to uphold beliefs and attain one’s dreams.
“To cross the line wherever they drew it,
To look at the world in the way they couldn’t see,
To be high, live low, stay young forever —
in short, to be bohemian.
Thomas Wolfe
This haven is conceived in service to an endeavor – to spread Hwayobi love and to provide a platform for fans and would be fans, who come from different cultures and walks of life, to unite and express their support and admiration for the “Heavenly Bohemian” that is Hwayobi.
Keep on visiting !!! Thank you again for the visits and support !
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