[Eng subbed] 사랑이 올까봐 (Love Might Come) – KCM feat. 화요비(Hwayobi)

Subbed performance of KCM and Hwayobi on Yoo Hee Yeol’s Love Letter entitled 사랑이 올까봐 (Love Might Come). They performed this duet in the year 2007 and it is a great duet. I hope you guys enjoy it. You can also download the subbed performance here.

Translated and Edited by Crazsri & Han Ahreum

Here’s the korean and english lyrics:


사랑이 올까봐 (With 화요비) – 케이씨엠(KCM)

Love might come (With Hwayobi) – KCM

누굴 보고 있는지 누굴 사랑 하는지

Who you are looking at, who you are loving

날 아직도 기억은 하는지

Do you still remember me?

널 지켜주고 아껴 줄 사람

Someone who protects and cares you

그런 사람 만나서

Did you meet that kind of person and

넌 잘 지내는지

Are you living well?


잊을 자신 없어서 그럴 자신 없어서

I don’t have any confidence to forget, I don’t have that kind of confidence

니 사진만 또 바라 보는데

I only look at your photos again

넌 괜찮을까봐 아주 잘 지낼까봐

I am afraid you might be fine, living too well

나를 잊었다면 그땐 어떡해

What then if you have forgotten me


아직 내게로 달려올 것 같아서

It seems as if you would still run to me

내게 미안해 하며 울 것 같아서

It seems as if you would come if I am sorry

난 바보처럼

I am like a fool

사랑이 올까봐 너를 잊지도 못하고

Maybe love will come so that I am not able to forget you


오늘도 혼잣말로 널 부르는데

I am saying myself and calling for you again


많이 예뻐졌다고 그가 잘해주냐고

If you are getting prettier and if he is doing well to you

입술 가득 나 하고 싶은 말

All the words that I want to say filled my lips

끝내 한마디 건네지도 못하고

In the end, I am not able to say a single word

다시 가슴 속에 묻어 둬야 해

I should bury it in my heart again


아직 내게로 달려올 것 같아서

It seems as if you would still run to me

내게 미안해 하며 울 것 같아서

It seems as if you would come if I am sorry

난 바보처럼 사랑이 올까봐

I am like a fool, maybe love will come

너를 잊지도 못하고

I am not able to forget

너를 온종일 그리고 또 찾아봐도

I am looking for you all day again

너를 사랑한 이 거리만 남아

What remains is my love for you in a distance

너를 지우고 살아갈 순 없어서

I can’t erase you and live


결국 나에겐 너 하나 뿐이라서

Because eventually I only have you

내 가슴 안에 숨쉬는 사랑을

The love that is breathing in my heart

네게 전하고 싶어서

That I wanted to give you

오늘도 너를 향해 소리치는데

I am shouting at you again today

내 사랑은 너 하나 뿐인데

My love is just for you


Enjoy. ^^

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