Our dear Yobi will be celebrating her 30th Birthday (Korean age) on 11 February 2011. At last…we have delivered the special book. Read here for the book contents and contributions. If you would like to purchase the book, please do e-mail us at beautifool.rhapsody@gmail.com. We will only re-create the book on blurb.com, if there are good number who would like to purchase the book online.
With this gift, we’ve also wrote a birthday message to her wishing her a blessed and blissful year ahead with lots of LOVE, happiness and success. We also hope that she will read the “notes” attached to the gift – for her to visit us here at haven and hopefully to take a pic with the photo book for us to at least know she has received it safely with love ^^. Let’s hope.
If you would like to post a gift to Yobi, you may post it to the address below. Do copy & paste both the Korean and English addresses for postage. Thanks to Coditv from lovinghwayobi fancafe for the address.
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