We are looking for TRANSLATOR(S)

Dear Hwayobi fans,

Thank you…Kamsahnida to…!
Han Ahreum & Chiang for answering our plea ^^.
Do look forward for some english subbed videos soon.
The translator opening is always open if you have the heart to share Yobi love^^.

This haven is conceived in service to an endeavor – to spread Hwayobi love and to provide a platform for fans and would be fans, who come from different cultures and walks of life, to unite and express their support and admiration for the Heavenly Bohemian that is Hwayobi. However, in spreading Hwayobi love, this site has been lacking in providing Korean to English translated sources on Yobi. Honestly, it has been disheartening for us when we are not able to post reliable translated sources. As sad to note that till today, even Yobi’s  hit song, “Lie” and most of her great works have yet to be translated. We have been receiving requests to sub her songs & show appearances, as we fans love her frank and witty expressions. But till today we aren’t able to deliver most of the fans requests.

We hope that there are kind souls who are able to contribute to the Korean to English translation of Hwayobi’s songs or her appearances cuts on some shows. Crazsri, an ardent fan has volunteered to sub any of Yobi’s songs or show appearances. However, we are still in search of translator(s). Currently, we have a dear kind soul, Han Ahreum from Lovinghwayobi daum fancafe for her kind “Heart”work in providing translated summary of Yobi’s appearances on some shows & news articles. But it has been taxing for her to work on it alone due to other commitmments.  If you are interested to be a part of Hwayobi Enchanted Haven’s team as a translator, please do e-mail us at: beautifool.rhapsody@gmail.com. No demands or deadlines but for just one good intention, to spread Hwayobi love! Your kind help and presence in this haven will be very much appreciated.

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