Translation Credit: Han Ahreum
A dear kind soul has kindly translated Yobi’s parts for her guesting on “Come To Play” (Watch here) with her good friend, Lyn and Gummy. It is always awesome to know what she had shared. Interesting facts about Yobi and her friends, read on…as always you will love it ^^. Kamsahnida Han Ahreum !
During the first part of the show
Hwayobi, Lyn & Gummy on their friendship…
The MC asked them if they had conflics as they have been close for about 10 years. They said not with each other but against other people. Once, they were in a public bathroom in a pub. There was a drunken woman who slammed the door in front of Gummy and she stared rudely at Gummy. Gummy could ignore her but Yobi was so upset and got angry. So she couldn’t ignore her and fought for Gummy. Yobi said that their friendship is so close that although she is well- known to the public but she doesn’t care if she has to defend her friends.
An episode at events…
Yobi was heading to perform at an event outside of Seoul and they were at an expressway rest area for a break. Then, they noticed that the event management has yet to transfered the performance fee. So they decided to return to seoul. Since then, if there’s no free being transferred before the event, she will not go for the event.
At another event, there was a performance from “Nanta” before her performance. Nanta is a group of musician using boxes, metals and various materials for instrument. For that event, they were using many kinds of vegitables and fruit like cabbages, carrots etc. After their performance the stage was filled with smashed vegetables and fruit. Yobi thought that the event management will clean it up so that she can concentrate on singing because she was to sing a sad ballad. But they didn’t clean up so Yobi had to walk between the cabbages stucked in her heels. Although, it wasn’t a big problem and she had to bear laughing but she felt very sad to think why she should sing in that kind of condition.
During the second part of the show
She shared the 3 stories below which she had ranked from No. 1 to No. 3.
No. 1- Her 3 months of depression
For 3 months after her vocal chord surgery, she secluded herself from society. She didn’t even go out for supermarket. She pulled down all the blinds. Couldn’t even know if it is raining or sunny if she doesn’t look between the closed blind. She was so depressed and thought that her life as a singer has ended. She didn’t want to have surgery so she took medicines for a long time and it has worsen her condition.
No. 2 – Prepared 50 Kimbabs for her ex- boyfriend…
Yobi shared that she had a boyfriend before who does sports. So she prepared 50 kimbap for that boyfriend and his team. Lyn wanted to help her but she firmly said that she wants to prepare this by herself because this is an act of love for her boyfriend.
Living with Lyn…
Yobi lived with Lyn before and they shared a sweet story. If they couldn’t sleep at night, they called each other by mobile phone althoug it’s only a couple of meters away. As they didn’t want to interupt each other. They talk till wee hours and will decided to drink alcohol in early morning. They will close the curtains so that no light can come inside. Then, Yobi said that they drank a couple of beer. But Lyn denied and said they drank Soju (strong rice wine about 20% alcohol). Then, Jaesuk teased her , “Hey Yobi!! you wanna be shown like a weak girl because there are men here! But Yobi denied cutely ^^.
No. 3 My own 3 Guinness in my life – nobody would have these experiences
Once, she was up for 3 nights straight and met up with friends, party , drinking & so on. After the 3 nights she went abroad for holiday . When she landed there in the morning, she didn’t sleep but “played” around again.
Last part they were asked on –
Any artiste she would like to be close with…
Yobi mentioned Lee Kyung Sil, a female host and comedian. Yobi likes her because she is funny and good at self- managing. She envies her as she has a healthy and slim body. Yobi wants to be friend with her so they exchanged phone numbers. On the very next day, she called Yobi for a quiz while she was on “Sebakwi/ Quiz Change The World”. That day was Yobi’s first day of comeback but she put all interviews aside just to answer Lee Kyung Sil’s call and solved the quiz.
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