Yobi's confession and undisclosed photos…

DIVA YOBI!....Gorgeous !

Source: Newstown/Hankyung

Couple more photos from starwabo were released today. You can eheck it out here.

In SBS E! TV show that will be aired tonight, Yobi had confessed that in the past, the sudden increase in weight was due to depression and  had suffered from bulimia. She did shared in a recent article that she had undergone depression and experienced bulimia in 2008 when she had to undergo the vocal cord surgery.

Bulimia is an eating disorder, a person who is bulimic will go on binges eating and felt guilt and depression. It seems that to properly cover from bulimia, the person battling disorder needs to set goal and prepare for a process that could take months or years to complete (read on here). I really hope that she has fully recover, it is not an easy road to recovery, it  needs determination with the help of loved ones.

I guessed for most celebrities, at least once in their lifetime they might have experienced depression. Living in the public eyes and in constant rivalry  is definitely not easy. Only the strong will survive and they are the the talented few that  have graced us with their talents. Yobi ssi, you are a special few. Hwaiting !!!

“Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. you fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it,…
you have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings.”
— Elizabeth Gilbert –

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