A dear kind soul ArieJ @Saranghaekpop has kindly did a full album review of Hwayobi’s album. A glimpse of her review…read on at SaranghaeKpop .
Booty Call
It’s about the guy who only calls her when he needed her.I like when this is performed live, it’s such a fun to sing and a total ‘woman’s anthem’ LOL Seriously, this is for all the girl’s to know that they aren’t booty call’s.Cream No Sugar
The beginning of this like a standard ballad, but then the drums, bass and piano bring in the heart of the song.The bridge mixes in a little guitar to give it a tango beat, reminiscent of ‘Please Call Me‘. It reminds me of a song that would be on an OST for maybe a drama like Coffee House. The song is about how love was a lie.– Arie J –