Hwayobi on her depression…

Source: Sports Chosun

On her relationship…then…
It was just in yesterday’s news article that Yobi shared about her relationship. She shared that they have not been meeting up often due to their busy schedules but  things have been well between them. Yobi did mentioned there’s no marriage  plan yet till she reaches 35 years old. As both will be concentrating on their music careers. However, Yobi  being our lovely quirky Yobi mentioned that if she gets married she wants a fraternal twins…a boy and a girl.

On her depression
In 2008, she had to undergo vocal cord surgery and due to that  she had sank into depression before “We Got Married”. During that period she had anorexic and bullimic disorder.  She was hesitant to join the show but she glad she did. As she was taken care well during the show and it has helped her to discover back her joy and happiness. “We Got Married” show was a jubilant experience for her.

She continued on to talk about her new album and what she would like to showcase in this album.

“You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight.”
— Elizabeth Gilbert –

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