Hwayobi ssi…fighting! News Update

Yobi ssi…fighting !
Yesterday, at her fancafe, her management has reported that she is not well. As she has not been resting well since the recording for her 7th album.

More power & love  to you Yobi ssi ! Your hard work has definitely been appreciated with “Bye Bye Bye” reaching No. 1 ! More news update below…


28 May: Yobi caught by paparazzi on tvN ENWS
Source: Sportworld

Yobi was featured on a paparazzi program on tvN ENWS called, “Really”. The program was aired yesterday. Fans shared that Yobi looks stylish and they enjoyed seeing her in “real life”. She went to amusement park, having meals by the street and it seems that her house was featured for the first time to the public. If we are lucky to get a glimpse of this that would be awesome. Will try to scout for the vid….if there is.


Healthy Yobi !
Source: eto.co.kr
In this article she talks about the need for her to be healthy. To hopefully spend time walking as a healthy routine amidst her busy schedule. She also mentioned about appreciating and loving the authentic living and atmosphere at the hanok, just like how she has experienced in “We Got Married” show.


Celebrating her 10th year anniversary…as a singer- songwriter.
Source: Munhwa.com

There have been many articles that interviewed her on her new album. As the articles compared her new music to her past albums. In this article, she shared about her desire to produce a new music which is away from the ballads. It seems she also mentioned about the the change in her vocal techniques and ability which were  affected after her vocal cord surgery.

It is a rather long article and the content seems interesting but my apology due to my very limited understanding of the language I am only able to share the gist of this article.

2 thoughts on “Hwayobi ssi…fighting! News Update

  1. Pingback: Hwayobi Enchanted Haven » Youthful Hwayobi…be well !

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