Wondering what surprise she will have for us…for her comeback image ?
Just an old random pic..love it she looks so mysterious. The feel of a bohemian.
Ann nyoung ! I hope you guys have been well.
It has been rather quiet since there hasn’t been any news on Yobi. Bad news is, Hwayobifan Ytube channel by Crazsri that were filled with loads of Yobi’s old videos have been suspended. Will try soon when we are free to re- upload some of her treasures.
Btw, some recent updates from her management posted at her fancafe >
On a low note, Yobi’s 7th album will be delayed till May 2010. It seems that she is still working hard on it so as to showcase her very best after 10 years in this industry. Whenever it will be, I bet we’ll still be waiting.
This coming 6 April to 10 April, Yobi will be heading to Phillipines. The details were not to clear, what I gather was she will be there either for a filming or pictorial shoot. I hope Yobi will update some pics up at her cyworld after her trip. For those in Phillipines, if you are lucky you might probably bump into her…and if you do, don’t forget to inform us :).