Below are some photos from behind the scenes footage of Yobi’s previous single “Kiss Kiss Kiss” MV.
From her recent post in her fancafe and cyworld she seemed to be in a sullen mood. If you would like to cheer her up with your kind words, you may post it here (I’ll post it up at her fancafe) or you may want to post her a gift or letter to:
Mr. Kim, Yeong-Min (fanclub)
Seo-geon building, 4th floor, Gloworks Co.
107-6, Ban-Po Dong, Seo-Cho Gu,
Seoul, 137-040, Korea
서울특별시 서초구 반포동 107-6번지
서건빌딩 4층 글로웍스 음악사업팀
팬클럽 담당 김영민 앞
(*you may want to copy and paste this address in hangul for postage)
Thanks to Holybelr @lovinghwayobi fancafe for the address. Since we are not affiliated with her fanclub, we can’t ensure the safe delivery of your postage or check on it. But there’s no harm trying…:).
[nggallery id=8]
credit: cyworld