Welcome !

An nyoung dear enchanted visitors…Welcome to the new haven and we hope that you will have a cozy good  time navigating around this haven. At last, we get to publish this site and I hope everyone had a great new year celebration and is welcoming 2010 with a big bang.

On a sad note, we were not able to transfer the old posts to this site. But good news is that we get to archive it on another site which is listed on the menu above named  which we have named Archive 2008.

We’ve added some new treats to this haven. We have installed a SHOUT OUT which we hope will attract some blabbering pleasures and  a new GALLERIA & BIOGRAPHY sections for your viewing and reading pleasures. We are also excited to share Hwayobi’s Music Rhapsody which is listed as “Discography” on the menu above.  We are still in the process of updating the site so as to fill it with Hwayobi’s treasured rhapsodies.

There are some updates and photos to be updated and will post it up soon after I’ve re-energized…Cheerio peepz !

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